Support the idea that motorcycles are OK!
Join now. Ensure motorcycling is part of all transportation and environmental planning.
Motorcycles are part of the Post-Covid transportation solution.
Read the whole story. 3 minute read
The UK and the USA are promoting the message.

A travelling member of Motorcycles OK shoots two wheel life in the U.K.

Motorcycles are generally better integrated into the flow of traffic, parking and bicycles. It's an ideal way to park downtown.
This 60 seconds could change how you look at motorcycles.
Spread the Idea!
With help from our friends at 3M, we have come up with this compact (5”x2”-ish) sticker that features a reflective background just like a real road sign. It’s both a great message and a safety product! Free with the paid membership, it can fit anywhere. Extras are only $10. Get one for the cars you know. And yes, you can remove it if needed.

Best t-shirt if you actually ride.

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Our Riding Buddies:
National Connections:
The Motorcyclists Confederation of Canada (MCC) is the national not-for-profit advocacy organization for the promotion of motorcycling interests.