Spit and Shine
Spit and Shine Vintage and Custom Motorcycle Show and Swap Meet 455 Waterfront Rd. Vancouver. All makes and motorcycles are welcome. This year our door prize is a mechanically restored Honda Trail…
Ride Into History
Kwantlen Polytechnic Institute 20901 Langley Bypass, Langley, BC, CanadaRide into History is an awareness and fundraising event that ties the importance of our history with the potential of our future. This community event supports The Salvation Army Gateway…
Vintage in the Valley, Motorcycle Show and Swap Meet
Vintage in the Valley, Motorcycle Show and Swap Meet. 10am - 4pm @ heritage Park, Chilliwack (Lickman Rd @ 401 freeway).
Vancouver Toy Run
Vancouver Toy Run. Leaves Coquitlam Centre AT 9:30AM Arrive early. This is a big ride.
Vancouver Motorcycle Show
Tradex Exhibition Centre 1190 Cornell Street, Abbotsford, BC, CanadaFree motorcycle parking at Tradex. Opens noon Friday.
Vintage and Classic Swap Meet
Cloverdale Fairgrounds Agriplex 17798 - 62nd Ave., Surrey, BC, CanadaOften the social high water mark of the spring riding season, the new location in Cloverdale offers a better experience fro everyone. Strolling the bikes in the parking lot is…
Burnaby RCMP Motorcycle Safety Skill Challenge
Burnaby Lake Rowing Club - North parking lot 3760 Sperling Ave, Burnaby, BC, CanadaThe Burnaby RCMP third annual safety challenge offering a unique opportunity for riders to update their skills and learn from the best! It will be held at the Burnaby Rugby Club, a…
All British Field Meet – VanDusen Botanical Garden
Van Dusen Botanical Garden 37th and Oak, VancouverNested amidst a world-class garden setting this is a wonderful collection of British cars and motorcycles. Many are seen only at this event. Vendors, food trucks and music too.